Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Post holiday report

Merry X-Mas!!!
Even though we got nailed with some snow to make Christmas a lovely and snowy affair, I was able to get out for a couple of nice hard sessions on the roads....while there is a lot of sand on the roads, they're pretty much dry so for my sanity I went out and braved some chilly temps rather than sit and spin on the trainer (if you can't tell yet, I hate that friggin' thing).

I did manage to make the idiot move of the season by committing to running a St. Patrick's Day 10k road race with my sister-I am not a runner, I have never been a runner, and I am now "officially" an idiot (prior to this move, that status was safely in the "unofficial" category). So if anyone would care to send me a sensible 3 month training plan to be able to survive a 10k race, please respond here!

The 2008 schedule is beginning to take shape:
-St. Patrick's Day running road race in March
-Marblehead Neck cycling road race in April
-Sterling MRC road race in May
-Harpoon B2B in June
-24 hours of Great Glen in August

I'm going to try some crits this summer too-I'm pretty nervous about this though as the reputation that crits have is crash city and I am really not looking too forward to getting hurt. But I am really motivated to earn some upgrade points in cross next season and I need to improve my fitness for those types of races-so that this going to be my '08 goal.

What are your's?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

HaHa - I'm in worse shape than you big bro - so we'll be huffin it together. This is my training schedule for the next 2 months:

Starting off with slow 2 mile runs every other day this week - I plotted out great 1 and 2m loops in town. On the days in between I'm doing pilates with some weights. Taking Tuesday's completely off to rest.

I'm going to add a mile a week till the fifth week when I'll then add some sprint work mixed in with 3 mile jogs the week before the race.

Make sure you take your time when you first begin to run - deliberately go slower than you think you should - concentrate on developing your pace. This is crucial because when you are faced with the excitement of race day - you'll be less likely sprint with the big boys at start and therefor won't be puking by mile 2.
