Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wish I had the guts....

....some people simply shouldn't wear certain things. I wish I had the guts to either a. politely say something or b. snap a photo and post it. Rather, I sort of smile and shake my head and go on my merry way. Some examples:
1. Belly shirts - don't think I need to add any more description here....either you look good in one or you don't. If you don't, then please find something else to wear.

2. Sneakers with suits - as a fellow Metro-west commuter, please, please, PLEASE guys - stop wearing your $100 Mizuno track flats (which have never seen a track by the way) with your suit. Ten years ago when dress shoes were still stiff as hell, not very comfortable, and had leather soles, fine. Today, with the amount of choices in dress shoes that feel and fit like sneakers, get with it. Women, I see the point....well, I don't really see the point of the shoes you wear to work in the first place, but I'm not an afficionado on women's footwear....anyway, sneaks for the commute are ok with me, as I can't imagine walking from North Station to the Financial District in high heels, god that must suck.

3. Fat guys in cycling gear - Ok, this one hits home....I'm a cyclist and I fully realize that you sort of have to be one to get the whole lycra wearing, leg shaving thing. But guys that are north of three bills and are falling out of their regular clothes (let alone their cycling gear)....sorry, just don't get that one.

Last but not least.....when will women's fashionistas figure out that sun dresses with baseball hats and flip flops are what guys want to see girls wearing? A nice tan, zero make up, and sun-drenched curly hair and the above-mentioned reading this???

1 comment:

rusto88 said...

My wife and I were once observing and discussing such effronteries and she misheard me saying, "that's a fashion don't" as "that's a fashion DOG" - it has since become part of our shared lexicon.