Monday, May 18, 2009

Adventures in commuting....

So I've decided to try and do some commuting by bicycle, and today was the first day. In my previous position, it was difficult. Dress code and meeting schedules were often difficult to predict, but now I have a bit more control over my schedule. The distance/time is also a bit of a factor...not so much for the going into Boston part, but the coming out - I can leave whenever I need to in the morning. I'm usually out of the house before the kids wake up anyway, but I absolutely hate getting home so late that I don't see them before bed too. Plus with the coaching that I'm doing and my wife working part time a couple of nights per week, I can't afford to have a 2+ hour bike commute home. So I drove part way and rode the rest of the way. This morning it was perfect - 15 miles on the bike, about 45 minutes total, nice cruisin' pace. Great way to start the day.

The one issue though was the tool for the trade....I took my road bike (an older Seven Ti custom beauty). I didn't realize how banged up roads in Waltham and Watertown I ordered up a pair of fat wire bead road tires that I'll put on my 'cross bike and use that. The shorter top tube and more upright position will make bunny hopping a bit easier as well. I thought for sure that I would mis-time a launch at some point and wind up fixing a flat on Mt. Auburn St which would have SUCKED!

I also need to get my morning routine set up once I get to the office. I just assembled an anti-stink/quick cleanup kit with baby wipes, deoderant, and some shampoo. There's no shower at work so that's a bit of an issue that I'll have to work on.

If anyone has any tips to share, please let me know. I'm hoping to ride in twice per week!


rusto88 said...

If I'm heading into Cambridge (you mentioned Mt. Auburn St.), I go by way of Lincoln Ctr. then Trapelo Rd into Waltham then keep going as it turns into Belmont St. (at Cushing Sq. in Belmont). Belmont St. takes you right down to Mt. Auburn St.

This may be moot depending on where you are doing your mid-point park-then-ride...

Scott Sweeney said...

How do you catch Lincoln Center? Off of 117??

rusto88 said...

Yep, which makes it a tough route: I hate riding on 117 esp. the stretch between 126 and Lincoln Road, the "shoulder" is in terrible condition.