Thursday, April 2, 2009

Random crap...

Just some random randomness.....

-I'm not sure how or why, but my almost 2 year old son loves to watch NASCAR.

-Skype is cool-my brother (who lives in Charlotte) and his wife just had a beautiful baby girl. We hooked up a webcam and have gotten to see our new niece first hand! We even have my folks on long as big brother ain't watchin', all good.

-I've started seeing a physical therapist for my's still REALLY sore pretty much every morning that I wake up (and requires sort of limping around the house for 30 minutes before it starts to loosen up), but the prognosis is good. It's weak abs....we knew that.

-Having fun being on the bike more and more lately. Really trying to be more structured and efficient this year. Duty calls as munchkin soccer and farm league softball coach.

-While I love winter I'm just so damn ready for shorts and flip-flops.

-The high of the new J-O-B took a bit of a downer today when 10% of the sales staff nation-wide got whacked today. When will this madness stop???

-After two back to back killer workouts (y'day I did two hours solid, avg HR about 155 trying to chase Smudger and company around; today I did LT intervals solo) my legs are dead. Good thing tomorrow is an off-day!

-Wonder how the Bombers are going to be this year??? On paper they look great, but not too confident in Burnett's health and Sabathia's longevity. Should be an interesting summah.

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