Friday, November 21, 2008

Daddy Daycare

Should be an interesting weekend! With the cost of "life" essentially doubling and my salary not keeping pace, my beautiful wife is heading back to the work force. I know this wasn't in the grand plan, and to be honest I'm somewhat ashamed/embarrassed/insert derogative term here, but it is what it is. She's Ok with it, and I think getting out of the house a bit will be a welcome respite from chasing 3 kids under 8 around all day every day.
So we've got a hoops game at 10, a birthday party at 3, a bunch of work-work that needs to get done, a bunch of house-work that needs to get done and a CX race in the 413 on Sunday. Hope to have some fun and not lose my mind doing it!!!


Bad Brad said...

Whoa... new layout!

GCDavid said...

Unless your a criminal or insanely lucky, you need two incomes.