Wednesday, March 12, 2008


The last couple of runs have been somewhat frustrating....I'm up to about 5-1/2 miles now and I'm out about 40-45 minutes. Adding some time and distance each week was fairly easy the first month or so, but the last couple times out I'm just spent coming back in toward the house; my achilles have been feeling a bit tight as well, though I suspect that is the pavement telling me to find more dirt to run on...will keep at it a bit and hopefully it'll pass.

On the bike front, I'm learning a lot from the guys in the club...this past weekend's ride was fast, but only really brutal for me on the climbs. As this is really my first year of somewhat structured riding it's important to try and remember that this year is about building a base-as Bruce mentioned, can't frost the cake before it's baked.

On the school front, I have a friggin' group project/presentation due this coming Monday and an all day class on Saturday so this week is going to be really busy. I'm planning to ride to and from class on Saturday so that will give me 50 for the day, and then hopefully I'll get out for another group ride on Sunday.

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